Enough with the rain already! While we have ventured out to Fort Williams on two rainy mornings and met other slicker-clad people with soggy furry friends, Athena does NOT like the rain. I attribute it all to her origins in Louisana around the time of Hurrican Katrina, but other than romps at the park in the rain, I pretty much have to pull her off the covered porch on a leash to get her to go outside.
Tomorrow we are promised sunshine and increasing amounts of warmth that may make us a little giddy her
e in Maine-- we are unacustomed to Easter without heavy winter coats. But the signs of new life are all around us-- you can almost stand and watch the Earth becoming greener. On Sunday, before the rains moved into New England, we saw a feather in the becoming-green grass, and the most tell-tale sign of spring of them all, a kite in a tree.
The hill in the center of Fort Williams Park is heaven for Kite flyers all through the spring and summer, but someone probably went home very unhappy last weekend, without their Toy Story kite.
Before we headed home we met two Lolas and a Lucy-- One Lola was a gorgeous boxer-shar pei mix puppy-- way too busy to stand still for a picture, but the others, Lucy and Lola, attracted spectators to their odd wrestling match-up. Lucy the Golden Retreiver got completely beat up by Lola the Basset Hound. They are in fact the best of friends, and you did kind of get the idea that Lucy was playing with Lola in the same way adults sometimes play games with young children, letting them win. Don't tell Lola.
Remember the "April Scoop" on Saturday April 3, starting at 9am. Hope to see you there!
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