Friday, June 24, 2011

Dog Days of Summer Week One

On the Summer Solstice, the large field in the off-leash area was freshly posted with its "keep off" signs. The field has been re-seeded to recover from soccer and other sports that were scheduled on the field all through the spring. It is a picturesque spot to watch a sport being played, but Athena will miss the games of tag which are often played there with her four-legged friends. Luckily, Fort Williams is a large, beautiful place to play and spend time with people, and with pets.

But the solstice was a beautiful day,

even in the early morning, the shadows were strong and the walkways near the lighthouse were very enjoyable. Athena is getting better and better on the leash, though off-leash, galloping is still her favorite mode.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Clyde About Town...

Clyde is a "Marmaduke-like" puppy who Athena loves to play with at the park. On the way home from work recently, I saw him sitting in the grocery store parking lot (I hope they were buying dog treats!). When I first saw him, he was resting his chin on the steering wheel, looking like a tired trucker, but he was keeping his eye on me as I approached his van. Clyde always has a colorful bandana-- he seems to have quite the wardrobe!

I hope we'll see Clyde and all his friends at the Cape Elizabeth Family Fun Day Dog Show on Saturday, June 11. The show starts at 1pm on the upper field. Register from 11 - 1pm-- It's free, it's fun, and the weather looks doggone good for the day!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year's Toast

In balmy 50-degree temperatures, dozens of dogs and scores of people gathered to dedicate the polished granite bench installed in the off-leash area of Fort Williams to honor the memory of Ansel "Tup" Tupper, who died suddenly in August. It was very nice to see so many of the Tupper family here for the holidays, and for them to see us demonstate our affection and respect for "Tup".
(The Tupper Family)

"Tupper #4", as he identified himself, read John Masefield's "I must go down to the Sea", and told us of how his dad was both a little ashamed and a little proud of Rambo's tendency toward mitten thievery. Playing with Rambo, the bigger than life labradoodle who looked just the right size next to Tup's tall frame, was how most of us came to know Tup, and I personally always knew it would be a good morning for Athena if Rambo was there. For a man who loved the sea, who could read the sky for a weather report, I think Tup would have loved the fact that Casco Bay was dotted with sailboats on January 1st.

Janet Violette, who spear-headed the efforts that led to the bench's installation, leads the champagne toast.

The bench was a very popular spot with all the dogs in attendance.